This Web site provides dental and overall health content and information designed to complement your personal dental health management. The information provided is not dental or medical advice, nor should it be considered complete or exhaustive, as it does not cover all disorders, conditions, treatments or dental health related issues. Any content on, or linked to this Web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own dentist, physician or health care provider, and does not take your individual dental or medical health situation into account.
You should not use the information on this Web site as a means of diagnosing a dental or medical health problem or disease, or as a means of determining treatment. For specific dental or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, you should consult a dentist, physician or appropriate health care professional. In the event of a dental or medical emergency, immediately contact a dentist, physician, health care provider or call 911. Guardian assumes no liability regarding actions taken by you or a third party for damages arising out of information contained in or accessed through the Web site or linked Web sites.